2018 Snapshot: our year in review
Thank you for your support of Bikes for the World in 2018. This past year we were able to accomplish so much through your support. In a year filled with change and transition we were able to hit some big landmarks and accomplish important goals. These included seeing a big uptick in volunteers at our Rockville site, the continued growth and strengthening of existing partners like MiBici Costa Rica where a new mechanics' training program was successfully implemented or Village Bicycle Project Sierra Leone where their training and learn-to-ride courses introduced many women and young girls to bikes as a means of transport to school or work. 2018 also saw us add a new partner in Cycloville Kenya which we couldn't have done without the commensurate increase in volunteers.
As 2019 begins we are looking forward to expanding our presence in Madagascar through our partnership with Transaid as we endeavor to establish E-Box programs in at least two new rural communities. Additionally we will be making in-country visits to our Central American partners for the first time in several years and know that these in-person visits will be an important step as MiBici and CESTA El Salvador both look to expand their vocational training programs.
Taylor Jones
Executive Director
In 2018 we took a look at what we were doing locally and how we could have the greatest impact in our community. In the end we focused on you. After settling into our new Rockville location we created a space and opportunities that would grow our volunteer base. We worked with area schools to bring hands-on learning experiences to students that would not only introduce them to the idea of service, but teach them about helping others and build leadership and confidence in themselves. In 2019 we will continue to explore ways to involve even more students, groups, families and individual volunteers in our program.We realized our commitment to our work locally had a direct result to our work globally.
Please take a moment to review our 2018 Snapshot to see how we are doing, and how you helped!
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Rockville MD 20852 703-740-7856 Contact Us