2 minutes reading time (302 words)

Maria: Costa Rican Sheep Breeder

Continuing our series, One Bike, Two Wheels, Four Revolutions we take a look at how one bicycle often affects up to four lives (or more!). Here we introduce a new bike owner who received a bike from our last container shipped from our Charleston location. 

But we also bring you the story of one beneficiary who benefited from the bike project, without even receiving a bicycle. Through our local partner FINCA Costa Rica we are improving the lives of small business owners and in turn entire communities. This micro-finance project works with communities to establish Community Credit Enterprises (ECC) that offer small business loans to its members. Those loans help develop local business such as cattle farming, agriculture, commerce, or services.

Maria Auxiliadora and her husband rely on their sheep breeding business for income. The young couple started breeding sheep over four years ago and the money they earn helps pay for their continuing education. Maria received a loan from her local ECC to help build new pens for their sheep.

Maria, seen above with one of her less-than-camera-shy sheep, lives in Grifo Alto de Puriscal in San Jose Costa Rica. This is a very beautiful region known for their coffee and tobacco farms. It is, however, also plagued by deforestation which affects production, habitat, and the climate. Over 80% of the population lives in a rural area.

Yalitza lives in a small town known as Bijagua just south of Upala. Her family purchased this pink bicycle from our shipment donated to her community this summer. The proceeds from the sale will augment the pool of money available to the community for small business loans, like the one that helped Maria's family.

Learn about Plutarco, and his pulperia and how our donated bikes helped him gear up his stock to better serve his community...

Celia: Motorcycle Repair Shop
Plutarco: Costa Rican Pulperia